Enriching Your Community

Empowering connections and fostering growth to create a vibrant, stronger community where everyone thrives.

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Building Stronger Communities

A good leader has many responsibilities. But none are more important than encouraging and mentoring the next generation. Children and families look to community leaders to set a good example and show what it means to be a successful adult. The Ambassador Company helps businesses and professionals meet this expectation and fulfill this crucial role.

The Ambassador Company administers character education programs in local schools, sponsored by businesses and leading citizens. By making these programs possible, our sponsors strengthen their communities and distinguish themselves for leadership, citizenship and strong family values.

What We Do

The Business We’re In Communities

We offer select business leaders and professionals the opportunity to sponsor character education programs in their communities. By participating in our programs, Ambassador Company sponsors enhance their image, generate good will and build stronger communities.

We're Not In The Book-Selling Business

We distribute specially-commissioned publications and attendant materials to enhance our clients’ image and good will in their community, as well as to promote sound values. While our program does center around the distribution of our specially designed volumes, it is much more than just selling books.

We're Not In The Advertising Business

Advertising promotes a specific product. Good public relations enhances and promotes the image of the business itself and/or the individuals behind the business, with the hope of creating good will for both within the community. And that is exactly what our programs do.


Our program benefits the community sponsors by generating good will for them and enhancing their image within their community. Encouraging and mentoring the next generation in this simple, effective way is good leadership, good citizenship, and good business.


Our programs benefits communities because they help develop strong families - and strong families are the future of any community.


Our programs benefit families by providing powerful character education materials for the home that encourage the cultivation and development of strong values and show the path to becoming a successful adult.

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Who We Are

The Ambassador Company is a division of Good Will Publishers, Inc. Founded in 1938, Good Will has earned its success by developing innovative products and programs that strengthen communities and families and encourage strong values.

Ambassador Company programs offer local businesses and professionals the opportunity to reach out to young families and help them develop the character traits necessary for a successful life. On behalf of select sponsors, the Ambassador Company provides families with a beautiful hardbound volume that reflects the strong values upon which our nation was built and inspires children to reach their full potential.

Our sponsors are leaders in their communities. They are good individuals who want to do good as well. They are active, civic-minded citizens and they realize this is important not only for their community but for their business. The Ambassador Company allows sponsors to demonstrate their civic leadership and community values in a powerful way.

Millions of families have benefited from our character education programs. And the thousands of sponsors who have made this good work possible have benefited as well — by being recognized in their communities as individuals of strong values who want their fellow citizens and the next generation to live good lives and succeed.

If you are interested in managing a protected sales territory, earning a substantial living for your family, and helping businesses enhance their image, the Ambassador Company may have an opportunity for you. We provide sales professionals or those considering a change in careers an opportunity to satisfy their financial needs — without sacrificing their values or their integrity. Our representatives assist business and professional leaders and the families in their communities in a very positive manner. This aspect of the work, along with extraordinary support from the Home Office and management, make the opportunity at the Ambassador Company truly remarkable.

The Ambassador Company is not for everybody. The opportunity asks commitment and integrity but it provides financial security and purpose. It requires a disciplined approach to sales and a professional demeanor but it offers excellent benefits and a protected territory. It asks ethical behavior and promises an ethical response to your hard work. The Ambassador Company seeks career minded individuals who would like to be associated with an organization of national repute and impeccable credentials. If you are one of these individuals, ask yourself if a unique challenge like this is what you are looking for.

Our Program

The Ambassador Company offers business leaders the opportunity to enhance their image in the community in a unique and powerful way. On behalf of select sponsors, we present schoolchildren and their families with a beautiful hardbound book that reflects the strong values upon which our nation was built and encourages the character traits necessary for a successful life. Each sponsor is recognized on a special page at the front of every volume, so that families never forget those who encouraged them in this way.

Young families make many crucial buying decisions and many businesses compete for their purchases. Ambassador Company sponsors stand out from the crowd, by demonstrating a commitment to strong values and by providing powerful resources to help children and families succeed.

The Ambassador Company is a long time member of the National Chamber of Commerce. We work closely with local chambers and other community organizations in administering our character education programs.